• top10 music    相關企業商業資訊
    1. The Mercury Bar

      The Mercury Bar is a small pub specializing in independent music from Taiwan and around the world. Most bars only play hip-hop or Top 40, but we only play underground and indie music. We serve 23 different brands of beer, as well as various cocktails. On weekends we have live shows from indie bands ...

      電話:07-5508617    地址:高雄市左營區立文路46號
    2. Monster Music Pub

      天天有演唱的音樂餐廳~2007/08/10 Monster pub正式於桃園市大興西路上誕生,空間裝潢設計走向時尚混搭風,讓你有不同以往的視覺感受,在經營團隊努力下不斷的推陳出新,堅持給消費者最佳的視學與聽覺享受,每天晚上熱滾滾的現場表...

      電話:03-3029592    地址:桃園縣桃園市大興西路二段178號
    3. 豪華樂器社

      ...oducts. We are dedicated to manufacturing top-quality wind instruments for music lovers all over the world. We will continue to make contributions to the promotion and development of wind music in Taiwan . Your continuous support for our products will make a difference.

      電話:02-23084696    地址:台北市萬華區和平西路三段302巷3弄18號1樓
    4. DRINK TOP茶飲

      DRINK TOP茶飲館前店於99年10月開幕,營業時間為早上9點到晚上10點歡迎工作態度佳夥伴加入我們~

      電話:02-23826925    地址:台北市中正區館前路6-1號1F
    5. Music Box(泰式)

      電話:0227631388    地址:台北市光復北路85巷35號

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